Plant growth regulator
Product name: Indolebutyric acid IBA
CAS No.: 133-32-4
Spec. 99%TC
1, the sands of the grape vine branches removed, cut into 7-9cm long dual bud cuttings, buds upper left 1.0-1.5cm square cut, the lower section of the Ministry from 0.5-1.0cm square base shear cuttings inserted before the first immersion 150mg / L sodium butyrate liquid indole 14h, or 20-50mg / L soaked branches 24h; Then cuttings. Irrigated immediately after inserting, and covered with film. After pouring water once every 3-4, cuttings higher survival rate, seedling quality is better, than 200mg / L for cutting tissue will cause some damage, but not conducive to rooting cuttings germination and seedling. Repent dip promote common methods: Dip because of the duration and different forms can be divided into the following three kinds: Quick dip: Take the right amount of indole sodium butyrate (or IBA and the amount of ethanol mixed solution), against diluted with water to the desired concentration (typically 500-2000mg / L), the cutting strapped put in liquid, the immersion dry out after 5-10 seconds, cuttings. Slow dip: Indole of sodium (or the amount of IBA and small amount of ethanol were mixed and dissolved) dubbed 20-50mg / L concentration of the liquid, then the liquid immersion cutting 8-24h, remove cuttings. Dipped in flour: The amount of indole sodium butyrate (or IBA and the amount of ethanol mixed solution), adding talc and other additives, ethanol evaporates Serve powder, and then soaked in the base of cuttings, dip powder, cuttings. [1]
2, apple, pear, peach: Before grafting, the scion in the 200-400mg / L of sodium butyrate in Granville indole of the liquid medium speed dip after grafting, can improve the survival rate, but the growth of buds inhibitory effect, and the higher the concentration, the greater the suppression effect, can promote the growth of their bold. To 1000mg / L immersed sticks 5 seconds.
3, Chinese gooseberry: To 200mg / L soak sticks 3h. These can promote rooting cuttings, cuttings improve the survival rate.
4, rice, ginseng, trees, etc. To 10-80mg / L and moisten the soil after transplanting may promote early root, root development