Uniconazole UCZ (inhibitor )
Plant growth regulator
CAS No.: 83657-22-1
On herbaceous or woody monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous crops has a strong inhibition of growth.
With dwarf plants, to prevent lodging and improve the role of chlorophyll content. The small amount of goods, strong activity, 10 ~ 30mg / L concentration had good inhibition without causing plant deformities, long duration, human and animal safety.
Can be used for rice, wheat, corn, peanuts, soybeans, cotton, fruit trees, flowers and other crops can be sprayed leaf or soil treatment to increase the number of flowers.
Uniconazole also an efficient, broad-spectrum, bactericidal effect on the blast, wheat root rot, corn leaf blight, rice Bakanae, wheat scab, bean anthracnose showed good antimicrobial effect
Rice paddy seeds 50-200mg/kg. Rice with 50mg/kg, single cropping of rice or even as a result of different varieties of rice with 50-200mg/kg soaking liquid, seed quantity and ratio of 1: 1.2: 1.5 liquid, soaking 36 (24-28) h, mixed with every 12h kind of a second, to facilitate the seeds with medicine evenly. Then after washing with a small amount of seed germination. Tiller can cultivate more stocky seedlings.
Wheat wheat seed dressing with liquid 10mg/kg, 10mg/kg per kg of seeds with liquid 150ml, side spray while stirring, so that liquid evenly attached to the seed, and then mixed with a small amount of fine dry soil mix to facilitate planting. After dressing can also be boring 3-4h, and then mixed with a small amount of fine dry soil mix planting. Can cultivate wheat seedlings, enhance resistance, increased tillering years ago, increased spike rate and reduce the seeding rate. In the jointing stage of wheat (better early than late) per acre evenly spraying liquid uniconazole 30-50mg/kg 50kg, can be controlled wheat internode elongation, increase lodging resistance.
Ornamental plants to 10-200mg/kg liquid spray to 0.1-0.2mg/kg basin irrigation liquid, or liquid before planting 10-1000mg/kg Baptist roots, corms or bulbs number h, can control the plant type, promote flower bud and blossom.
Peanuts, lawn. Dosage: 40 grams per acre, with 30 kg of water