Chemical Name:
IUPAC: (E)-1-(2-chloro-1, 3-thiazol-5-ylmethyl)-3-methyl-2-nitroguanidine
CAS: [C(E)]-N-[(2-chloro-5-thiazolyl)methyl]-N-methyl-N-nitroguanidine
Formula: C6H8ClN5O2S
Molecular Weight: 249.678
CAS No.: 210880-92-5 (formerly 205510-53-8)
STATUS: ISO 1750 (published)
Appearance: White crysrals
Melting Point: 176.8º C
Vapour Pressure: 3.8× 10-11 mPa (20º C)
Boiling point: Decompose before boiling
Decomposition temperature: 242º C
Stability: Water solubility: 0.327g/L (20º C, PH=7)
Specification: 95%TC 50%WDG
Uses: Clothianidin is a systemic insecticide which acts as acute contact and stomach poison. Clothianidin belongs to the chemical class of insecticides known as neonicotinoids and is classified by the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) as "nicotinic Acetylcholine receptor agonist / antagonist".
Clothianidin has a broad spectrum of activity, particularly against sucking insects such as aphids, leaf hoppers, thrips and white flies. Furthermore, various species of beetles (e. G. Atomaria spp., Agriotes lineatus, Diabrotica spp. ) and some species of flies (e. G. Oscinella frit and Pegomyia spp. ) and cut worm (e. G. Agrotis spp. ) are effectively controlled. Clothanidin shows no efficacy against spider mites and nematodes. Products containing clothianidin are used as foliar and soil applications as well as seed treatments.
Clothianidin 98%TC |
Appearance |
Crystalline powder |
Content of a.i. |
≥98% |
Acidity(as H2SO4) |
≤0.3% |
Loss on drying |
≤0.5% |
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