Acetamiprid pesticide
Purpose: Control of Hemiptera, especially aphids, Thysanoptera and Lepidoptera, by soil and foliar application, on a wide range of crops, especially vegetables, fruit and tea. Applied at 75-300 g/ha on vegetables, 100-700 g/ha in orchards.
Acetamiprid Mode of action:
Acetamiprid is a high-effective, safety, insecticide with good contact stomach poisoning to pests, activity with good intussusception. Broader spectrum than Imidacloprid.
Besides contact, stomach poisoning, it has strong osmotic systemic action.
Acetamiprid has an effect on nAChR(nicotinic acetylcholine receptor) of the nervous system, to interference the transmission of neural signals, which will accumulate the acetylcholine in the synapse to paralyze the pest until it dies. Long residual life of 20 days.
With the special active mechanism, it can kill those insects which have resistance to organophosphorus, carbamates, pyrethroid insecticides
Acetamiprid control crops:
Rice, vegetable, fruit tree, tee tree, tobacco, etc.
Acetamiprid Function:
1. Hemipterous Pests, aphid(mainly for aphid), planthopper, thrips, Lepidoptera pests.
2. Underground pests ( for seed treatment)
3. Mites.