Fenitrothion Chemical Name: O, O-dimethyl O-4-nitro-m-tolyl phosphorothioate.
M. W.: 277.25
CAS No.: 122-14-5
DESCRIPTION of Fenitrothion 95%TC:
Appearance: Yellow-brown liquid
Melting Point: 140-145
Solubility: 30, 14mg/l in water, 20-25, carrene, methanol, dimethylbenzene >1000g/kg, stable in normal temp.
Toxicity: Oral LD50 (Rat): 250-800 mg/kg. Dermal LD50 (Rabbit) >3, 000 mg/kg. Inhatation LC50: (4h) 5.0 mg/l.
SPECIFICATIONS: Fenitrothion 95%TC, 50%EC, 40%WP, 50%WP.
PACKING: In iron drum, 200kg/drum
USES: Fenitrothion is a touch-kill and stomach poison insecticide; Suitable for rice stem borer, paddy borer, caterpillar, grass leaf roller, rice leafhopper, fly louse, paddy thrips, cotton aphid, cotton red spider, cotton pink boll worm, cotton bollworm, cotton leafworm, soybean budworm, limabean pod borer, tea caterpillar, tea leafhopper, peach budworm, apple small gypsy moth, armyworm etc. Fenitrothion is mainly used in rice snout moths larva.
Main products: Herbicide, fungicide, insecticide, pesticide